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发布时间:2024-10-12 01:52:58点击量:609
本文摘要:JINAN, China — On a smoggy afternoon, huge log carriers and oil tankers thundered down a highway and hurtled around a curve at the bottom of a hill. Only a single, unreinforced guardrail stood between the traffic and a ravine.中国济南——一个雾霾天的下午,运输木材的大货车和油罐车沿高速公路隆隆行经,从一处山脚下的急弯呼啸而过。

JINAN, China — On a smoggy afternoon, huge log carriers and oil tankers thundered down a highway and hurtled around a curve at the bottom of a hill. Only a single, unreinforced guardrail stood between the traffic and a ravine.中国济南——一个雾霾天的下午,运输木材的大货车和油罐车沿高速公路隆隆行经,从一处山脚下的急弯呼啸而过。车流和一旁的山沟之间,只隔着一道没修整的护栏。The route could make for tough driving under any conditions. But experts are watching it for one feature in particular: The highway curve is paved with solar panels.在任何天气情况下这段路都很差进。

但专家们正在监测的是路面的一个明确部位:高速公路的急弯上铺设了太阳能电池板。“If it can pass this test, it can fit all conditions,” said Li Wu, the chairman of Shandong Pavenergy, the company that made the plastic-covered solar panels that carpet the road. If his product fares well, it could have a major impact on the renewable energy sector, and on the driving experience, too.“如果能通过这个路段的测试,就能适应环境各种条件,”山东光实能源有限公司董事长李武说道,砖在路面上的那些覆盖面积塑料表层的太阳能板,就是这家公司生产的。如果他的产品运营较好,将对可再生能源领域产生根本性影响,也不会很大地影响驾驶员体验。

The experiment is the latest sign of China’s desire to innovate in, and dominate, the increasingly lucrative and strategically important market for renewable energy. The country already produces three-quarters of the solar panels sold globally, and its wind-turbine manufacturing industry is also among the world’s largest.可再生能源市场更加有利可图,在战略上也日益最重要,中国渴求该领域的创意和主导地位,高速公路上的试验就是这种渴求的又一展现出。中国早已生产了全球销售的太阳能电池板的四分之三,其风力发电机制造业也是世界仅次于的。The potential appeal of solar roads — modified solar panels that are installed in place of asphalt — is clear. Generating electricity from highways and streets, rather than in fields and deserts packed with solar panels, could conserve a lot of land. Those advantages are particularly important in a place like China, a heavily populated country where demand for energy has risen rapidly.这种用改装成太阳能电池板代替沥青砖在路面的太阳能公路,潜在吸引力是显而易见的。

在高速公路和街道上发电,而不是布满太阳能电池板的田野和沙漠,可以节约大量土地。在中国这个人口众多、能源需求很快快速增长的国家,这些优势尤为重要。Because roads run through and around cities, the electricity could be used practically next door to where it is generated. That means virtually no power would be lost in transmission, as can happen with projects in outlying locations. And the land is essentially free, because roads are needed anyway. Roads must be resurfaced every few years at great cost, so the installation of durable solar panels could reduce the price of maintenance.因为城市内部和周边都有路,路上放的电需要以备用于。


公路间隔几年必需重铺路面,花费高昂,加装轻巧的太阳能电池板或许还能减少公路确保成本。Solar roads could also change the driving experience. Electric heating strips can melt snow that falls on them. Light-emitting diodes embedded in the surface can provide illuminated signage to direct drivers to exits and alert them to construction and other traffic hazards.太阳能公路也有可能转变驾驶员体验。

电热条可以融化落在路面的雪。金字在电池板表面的发光二极管可以表明闪烁标识,指导驾驶员驶下出口,警告他们留意道路施工和其他交通危险性。Now, such roads are finally becoming viable. Prices have fallen drastically in recent years — thanks in large part to soaring Chinese production, a solar panel costs a tenth of what it did a decade ago. Road builders in China even want to design solar roads that can wirelessly recharge electric cars running on them, emulating a recent American experiment.现在这种公路再一切实可行了。近年来太阳能电池板的价格急遽暴跌——主要得益于中国电池板的产量攀升,一块电池板的价钱仅有为十年前的十分之一。

中国的筑路企业甚至期望领先于美国最近展开的一项实验,设计出有一种太阳能公路,能给路上行经的电动汽车无线充电。China’s leaders in solar road development are Pavenergy and Qilu Transportation. The two companies are working together here in Jinan, in Shandong Province, with Pavenergy making panels for Qilu, a large, state-owned highway construction and management company that operates the highway.光实能源和齐鲁交通发展集团是中国太阳能公路发展的领先者。

两家公司正在山东济南展开合作,光实能源为齐鲁交通这家大型国有高速公路建设及管理公司生产太阳能电池板。The surface of these panels, made of a complex polymer that resembles plastic, has slightly more friction than a conventional road surface, according to Zhang Hongchao, an engineering professor at Tongji University in Shanghai. Professor Zhang, who helped develop Pavenergy’s road surface, said that the friction could be adjusted as needed during the manufacturing process to ensure a level of tire grip equal to that of asphalt.上海同济大学的交通运输工程学教授张宏超回应,太阳能电池板由类似于塑料的简单聚合物做成,表面摩擦力比传统路面额低。

参予了光实能源电池板路面研发的张宏超说道,生产过程中可以按必须调整表面摩擦力,保证这种路面的轮胎捉地力水平与沥青路面完全相同。The location of the solar road here, on a long curve at the bottom of a hill, was not Pavenergy’s first choice. The site was chosen because of its proximity to an electricity substation, ensuring that it would be connected to the grid. China is adding solar and wind energy sites so fast across the country that power generation projects farther from substations sometimes face delays of years in getting connected.展开试验的这条太阳能公路坐落于山脚下的一处处长急弯,这并非光实公司的选用地点。


The main Western rival to Pavenergy and Qilu is Colas, a French road-building giant that has developed 25 experimental solar roads and parking lots, mostly in France but also in Canada, Japan and the United States. The biggest of Colas’s solar sites, a country road in Normandy that opened a year and a half ago, has only half the surface area of the new solar highway in Jinan. Colas has been leery of putting solar panels on high-speed roads like the Chinese highway because of safety concerns; Professor Zhang said the panels were completely safe.光实能源和齐鲁交通主要的西方竞争对手是科拉(Colas),这家法国公路建设巨头早已研发了25一处实验性的太阳能公路及停车场,主要在法国,在加拿大、日本和美国也有。科拉仅次于的太阳能项目是一年半前在诺曼底投入使用的一条乡村公路,表面积只有济南新建太阳能公路的一半。出于安全性疑虑,科拉仍然不愿将太阳能电池板装在与中国这条公路类似于的高速路上;张宏超说道这些电池板十分安全性。

Still, a litany of outstanding challenges means the wide deployment of solar roads is a long way off.不过,一连串的难题指出太阳能公路距离大范围铺设还很很远。For one, they are less efficient than rooftop solar panels at converting the sun’s light into electricity. They lie flat, and are intermittently covered by vehicles, so solar panels on a road produce only around half the power that rooftop ones tilted toward the sun do.首先,太阳能公路将阳光切换为电力的效率高于屋顶太阳能电池板。公路电池板是水平摆放的,而且间歇性地被车辆遮盖,而屋顶电池板向太阳弯曲,因此前者生产的电能只有后者的约一半。Solar roads are also more expensive than asphalt. It costs about $120 a square meter, or about $11 a square foot, to resurface and repair an asphalt road each decade. By comparison, Pavenergy and Colas hope to be able to bring the cost of a solar road to $310 to $460 a square meter with mass production.太阳能公路也比沥青路喜。

每十年新的铺设和修缮沥青路面,每平方米约要花上120美元。相比之下,光实能源和科拉希望在大规模生产时能把太阳能公路的成本纳较低到每平方米310到460美元。Panels on a highway would likely need to be replaced less often than asphalt, Professor Zhang said. And a solar road can produce about $15 a year worth of electricity from each square meter of solar panels. So it could roughly pay for itself, compared with asphalt, over about 15 years.张宏超说道,高速公路上的电池板的替换,有可能不像沥青路面那么频密。路上的电池板每平方米每年还能生产价值大约15美元的电力。

因此与沥青比起,电池板用上约15年就需要抵销成本。Less clear is whether the panels would be able to take the pounding of millions of tires each year for more than a decade, or whether they might be stolen.但这些电池板能否忍受倒数十几年、每年几百万次的车轮碾压,或者否不会被拿走,就不那么好说道了。Several square feet of solar panels disappeared less than a week after they were installed here in late December, raising worries of theft or even industrial espionage.济南这条公路上的电池板在去年12月下旬加装完了后将近一周,就不知了几个平方英尺,人们担忧这是骗子甚至产业间谍腊的。Local police officers, facing criticism for not providing better security, said that the panels must have been crushed into tiny pieces and scattered by heavy trucks. Pavenergy declined to comment.面临治安不力的谴责,当地警方回应,电池板应当是被重型卡车压成碎粒,碾得四散了。

光实能源回应不予置评。In the United States, installing solar roads is more complicated.在美国,铺设太阳能公路就是一个更加棘手的问题了。With the exception of some bridges and sections of interstate highways, American roads tend to be built with a lot of asphalt, but with less concrete underneath than roads elsewhere, said Kara M. Kockelman, a transportation engineering professor at the University of Texas.德克萨斯州大学交通工程教授卡拉·M·科克曼(Kara M. Kockelman)说道,除了部分桥梁和州际高速公路的某些路段外,美国公路往往用大量沥青铺就,但路面下的混凝土比其他地方的公路用得少。

The problem with asphalt is that it compresses slightly under the weight of trucks. The blue silicon of solar cells, the panels’ electricity-generating component, can withstand being mashed by many tons of weight. But the nearly paper-thin cells snap when bent, like a thin sheet of sugar. (This is not as much of an issue in China, where highways are built with very thick concrete bases.)沥青的问题是在卡车的重压持续性严重变形。太阳能电池的蓝色硅晶片,也就是电池板的发电部件,需要忍受数吨的重压。但一遇刀柄,纸一般厚的硅晶片就不会像薄薄的糖片一样倒下。

(在中国,高速公路铺有较厚的混凝土路基,这就不是过于大的问题。)Still, executives here are hopeful. They say that the technology is ready and that they are not concerned even by the complications of American highway construction.不过这里的企业高管们是满怀希望的。

他们说道技术早已完善,即使美国高速公路建设的情况简单,他们也并不担忧。“If conditions permit,” Xu Chunfu, Qilu’s chairman, said, “I would like to build a solar road in the United States.”“如果条件容许,”齐鲁交通发展集团的董事长徐春福说道,“我还想起美国辟一条光伏路。



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